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GROWMARK Announces 2023 Enduring Farm Winners and Publishes Annual Endure Sustainability Report

Sabrina Burkiewicz 0 718 Article rating: No rating

GROWMARK and its FS-affiliated companies have named the Enduring Farm winners for the 2023 calendar year in addition to publishing its annual Endure report detailing the GROWMARK System’s environmental, social, and governance engagement for the prior calendar year, as part of the System’s sustainability efforts.

GROWMARK Partners with Intelinair to Advance Position as Digital Agronomic Leader

Sabrina Burkiewicz 0 1265 Article rating: 5.0

As GROWMARK, Inc. continues to position itself to lead in the digital agronomy space, it has partnered with Intelinair, an ag data analytics company, on a new digital agronomy application to equip its farmer customers with data-driven insights to improve agronomic outcomes throughout the growing season.

GROWMARK and CHS enter into exploratory process to discover opportunities to best serve customers and owners

Cooperatives anticipate emerging from conversations with an increased focus on collaboration to better serve customers and owners

Sabrina Burkiewicz 0 1943 Article rating: 2.8

Today, the GROWMARK and CHS Boards of Directors are pleased to announce that they have jointly agreed to conduct an exploratory process over the coming months to identify opportunities for the two cooperatives to further collaborate to better serve owners, customers and the cooperative system into the future.